Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What I Hope Would Never End

I once heard someone say that it's good to be idealistic in your dreams when you're young, but when you get older, practicality is the first thing you need to consider first. Is that the reason why many are already giving up on their dreams? I'm not being narrow-minded by not considering all the possible, unavoidable factors that hinder people from achieving their dreams. It can be a lack of budget, resources, time, energy or other unavoidable things. Or maybe some are just getting tired as days pass. I don't know. But my dream is for all people--from the eldest to the youngest-- to be revived with their deepest dreams and remain strong in their faith, though they know they're getting older.

''Whatever happens I am going on''

"You say: 'I am weary and tired, the thing is too much for me'. And there is nothing to say at that point but this negative-- do not listen... You must say to yourself: 'Whatever happens I am going on'. You do not give in or give way." 

- D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones on well-doing, Spiritual Depression

Present Sufferings

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us."

-Romans 8:18

Focusing on the Truth

People may see reality as devastating, hurtful and unattractive truth. But there is one joyous truth; and that is-- we are loved by Christ.

So this is how you describe your thoughts brilliantly.