In every chapter, Gardiner expounded and scrutinized each 15 traits that are necessary for your growth and steps in achieving your goals. He really made sure he explained everything well along with the examples. Moreover, Gardiner provided stories about the lives of some known people including the steps they took to achieve their success; and how this can happen to you too.
Gardiner distinguishes and lets you plan and organize your short and long term goals and the tactics to achieve each of this by the discovery exercises he provided at the end of every chapter. Every discovery exercise provides quizzes, tips and questions that will help you reflect and organize your goals. It gives you a clearer view of what you really want to happen, what are the skills required, talents you don’t know you have, other skills to improve, and many other tests.
I would recommend this book to everyone because Gardiner really gives you the tools needed to succeed and helps you ignite by applying these necessary tactics soon—with no time to waste. As I am reading this, I discovered a lot about myself and was urged to take action. The Japanese proverb, “Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare” is true in this book.
It’s important to plan carefully and wisely before heading into action. The author’s message is clear-- a logical mind, thorough planning, implementation, and review are necessary to take action; and Gardiner expressed the message with the action plans specifically well in his book. Indeed a wise, practical, and easy-to-understand book to start with.
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